Sunday, December 07, 2008

North beach heaven

Run forest run. Running is funning

Look mom no feet

Sometimes I sits and thinks and then sometimes I just sits

Buzzzz lightyear to infinity and beyond
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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Joss the boss

play time

aus mate

Just chillin
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Monday, September 17, 2007

Hey hey I am back

My bags are packed Im ready to go

Here I am sitting by my mom

I am so pretty and witty and fine.

Come come little pigeon I just want a hug

Come closer I wont spray you. (Huh right)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Jossie is one

Well I cant believe that the day has come that Jos is now 1 year old.

Wow we survived. She is just sooo cute now and has an awesome character.

Hey nan eat up so we can open my presents.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Action Time

Yip yip yip I am the boss

Hey why is that darn penguin pee'ing in my pool. Hmmm what should I do to him

Hey how cool is this pool

Wow that gal is pretty

Monday, March 12, 2007

Finally finished the pool

Let me out let me out I wanna help fix the ool notice there is no P in it.

What a perfect day to do the pool 37 degrees and time to roll.

Hey look at this picture carefully

Right guys lets test this out.....plllllllrrrrrr oh coool water

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Durban in Feb

Our next door neighbour loves me soooo much she decided to give me this cool new feeding chair. hmmm not as fun as usual but I try sit still to eat now rather than just cruizing. Mom normally follows of course.

Well my little big cousin came to visit. He is gonna be a mate for life. He is not all soft and week like all the other guys I beat up. Hope he can protect me when I start clubbing.

You have your pool and I will have mine.

Hey dad has got good taste check this cool cap. Lucky we the same size